Sunday, December 26, 2010

New Beginnings

It has been so long since I have written anything because I have not felt led to really write anything or what I would call "inspiration." I have just gotten to the point were I feel like I'm  walking through the desert. It has not been till lately that I feel like my eyes have truly been opened to what is really going on in my life. Not that I have crystal clear vision but that I see more now than I have in a while. Its time to start dealing with the hard things in life, such as what direction I will go in life and truly committing to what God has called me to do. I can start to feel a since of direction and I know God will solidify that for me in the future. Its time to go ahead and jump off a cliff (metaphorically), not knowing exactly what will happen but having faith that I'll make it out alive. God has put some incredible people in my life that He has used to open my eyes and encourage me. God has a crazy way of organizing things and how he brings people together even if they were only meant to meet in that one moment that changed their life forever. I pray that new paths would be blazed in this new year and that crazy things would happen. Its time to expect the supernatural things.

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